Call for grants: cross-border investigations

Free Press Unlimited (FPU) is inviting applications for funding for cross-border collaborative investigative stories. Applications are open until 9 September 2024 

Free Press Unlimited (FPU) is inviting applications for funding for cross-border collaborative investigative stories. Ten grants, each worth 10,000 EUR, will be awarded to teams of journalists, to produce in-depth, impactful investigative journalism that transcends national borders and addresses critical issues affecting European societies. This open call for applications is part of the Collaborative and Investigative Journalism Initiative (CIJI).

Independent European media organisations, as well as staff and freelance journalists residing in the EU and working with these media are encouraged to apply for grants. Applications from journalists from Ukraine, Belarus, or Russia, who are currently legally residing in the EU due to the war in Ukraine or media censorship in Belarus and Russia, are especially welcome.

We expect to award up to 10 grants, each worth up to 10,000 EUR.

Grant coverage

Grants can fund:

  • Freelance fees
  • Travel, accommodation, subsistence
  • Graphics, design, visualization
  • Equipment rental for production and post-production
  • Translations for wider reach

Grants do not cover:

  • Staff journalists' salaries
  • Pre-grant costs or previously published work
  • Indirect costs (overheads)
  • Equipment or general-purpose software purchases
  • Office and rent
  • Unethical or illegal activities

Aside from financial support, team members will benefit from:

  • Mentorship and guidance throughout the grant period
  • 5-day security training, organised in partnership with OCCRP
  • Access to CIJI’s community of media hubs and partners
  • Attendance at CIJI’s final networking meeting

Who can apply?

  • Cross-border teams of independent European media organisations, freelance and/or staff journalists with a proven track record in cross-border investigative journalism. 
  • Teams should be composed of at least two journalists/or two media organisations residing in two different European countries that are part of the full cross-sectoral strand of the European Union’s Creative Europe Programme. See list below.
  • Journalists from Ukraine, Belarus, or Russia, who are currently legally residing within the EU due to the war in Ukraine or media censorship in Belarus and Russia are also eligible to apply.

EU countries

Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden.

Non-EU Participating Countries in the Creative Europe Programme

Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia and Ukraine. 

Admissibility criteria

  • Story relevance to at least two EU countries, or one EU country and Ukraine, Belarus, or Russia. Wider dissemination is possible and encouraged.
  • Prior discussion with and potential publication in at least two EU-based media outlets, evidenced by letters of commitment.
  • The story should be published by at least two media outlets from the countries where the story narrative unfolds, in order to engage their local or national audiences.

How to apply 

  • Complete this application form by 9 September 2024, 23:59 CEST.
  • Submit a project budget using this template: Budget Template.
  • Only applications received through this online form will be considered.
  • Applications must be in English and will be judged on content quality, not English proficiency.

Selection criteria 

The jury will evaluate applications based on:

  • Editorial Quality: Under-reported topics, fresh perspectives, evidence-backed or solution-oriented approaches.
  • Story Relevance: Timeliness, local, national, regional, or European importance, cross-border relevance.
  • Reach and Impact: Audience engagement potential, suitable format, publication plan, desired impact.
  • Project Feasibility: Realistic timeline, budget, risk assessment, and mitigation.
  • Applicants’ Experience: Team's ability to execute the project.

Additionally, the jury will ensure balance across target countries and story themes.


  • 9 September 2024 (23:59 CEST): Application deadline
  • September 2024: Selection process
  • October 2024: Winners contacted
  • 1 November 2024: Grants start, first installments disbursed
  • November 2024 - April 2025: Grant period (research, production, publication)
  • May 2025: Final reporting (narrative & financial) 
  • June 2025: Final grant disbursement based on positive evaluation

Financial Guidelines

  • Documentation: All costs must be documented with receipts and invoices. Records must be kept for seven years and available upon request.
  • Taxes and Dues: Grantees are responsible for all taxes and dues related to the grant.
  • Reporting: Narrative and financial reports are due in May 2025. Templates will be provided.

Grant Agreements and Fund Disbursement

  • Grants cover November 2024 to May 2025.
  • Payments are made in two installments: 80% upon signing the agreement, and 20% upon project completion and positive evaluation.

Grantee Expectations

  • Maintain regular communication with FPU and mentors.
  • Promptly report any major developments affecting the project.

About Free Press Unlimited

Free Press Unlimited is an international press freedom organisation that supports media and journalists worldwide. With over 300 local media partners in more than 50 countries, Free Press Unlimited works to make independent news and information available to everyone.

About the Project

This call is part of the “Collaborative and Investigative Journalism Initiative” (CIJI), aimed at supporting independent media and journalists through resources, networking, and standards-based methods for high-quality, ethical journalism. CIJI is conducted in partnership with Reporters Without Borders (RSF), Tactical Tech (TT), Free Press Unlimited, Fundacja Reporterów (FR), OBC Transeuropa (OBCT), and Delfi. 

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This project is co-funded by the European Union.

Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

Co-funded by the EU

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