
Complaints and reports

Free Press Unlimited is committed to working in an open and responsible way, fostering the trust and respect of all its stakeholders. We strive to achieve the highest quality in all our projects and programmes and seek to work with our local partners in the best possible way.

This is the complaints and reports policy for Free Press Unlimited. To ensure the continuous improvement of our work, we are open to all complaints about our work within the countries in which we operate, including The Netherlands. If you wish to submit a complaint, or report a suspected infraction or irregularity, please fill in the form at the base of the page. All complaints and reports will be treated confidentially


Anyone can file a complaint, whether directly or indirectly involved with the organisation
Examples include, but are not limited to: project partners, donors, suppliers and consultants or anyone else in contact with, or influenced by, the organisation and who has observed or suffered wrongdoing by Free Press Unlimited and/or a partner of Free Press Unlimited.

What is a complaint and what is not?

Free Press Unlimited defines a complaint as a formal expression of discontent about something unsatisfactory or unacceptable.

Examples of possible complaints: 

  • Poor quality of a programme and/or services
  • Misbehaviour or misconduct by a Free Press Unlimited staff member and/or Free Press Unlimited partner with reference to the organisation’s Code of Conduct
  • Physical, psychological or sexual abuse by a Free Press Unlimited staff member, partner or consultant.
  • Misuse of funds, fraud, corruption or conflict of interest demonstrated by a Free Press Unlimited staff member, partner or consultant.

The complaints mechanism should not be used for example for: 

  • A general inquiry about the work of Free Press Unlimited
  • A request for information
  • A complaint relating to a contractual dispute or staff employment conditions, guidelines and benefits of Free Press Unlimited or a partner.

For all matters not likely to be considered as an official complaint please contact info@freepressunlimited.org.

Free Press Unlimited will not respond to the following complaints:

  • Complaints written in inappropriate or abusive language.
  • Complaints sent as part of a bulk e-mail from an unknown source.


Confidentiality is critical in the handling of complaints in order to protect the privacy and safety of the complainant, the subject of complaint and witnesses. The facts and nature of the complaint, the identity of the key participants and the investigation records are confidential. This means that access to, and dissemination of information, will be restricted only to a limited number of authorised staff for the purpose of investigation.

How to submit complaints and reports

If you wish to be untraceable when you submit a complaint, we advise you to download and use a Tor browser

As a principle (from health & safety perspective) to protect our staff we do not handle anonymous complaints. If a person reporting a complaint chooses to remain anonymous, Free Press Unlimited will be able to receive the complaint, but will not be able to respond to the complainant. Depending on the nature of the anonymous complaint, the FPU Integrity Committee might decide further investigation.

If you wish to submit a complaint or report, please fill in the following form.


If you have any questions regarding the complaints policy for Free Press Unlimited, or if you prefer to submit a complaint through email, please contact us at: complaints@freepressunlimited.org

How would you like to report your complaint?
Please record as much detail as possible
7. Is there any documentation available?
One file only.
5 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf, doc, docx, odt.
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Photo Header: Jeppe Schilder; Photo webform: Paul Enkelaar

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