Access to independent information

In a world where authoritarian regimes are tightening control, corporate media monopolies are limiting diverse voices, and political actors are manipulating information flows, our work is more necessary than ever. The concept of 'civic space' – the freedom for citizens to organise, participate, and communicate without hindrance – has been shrinking globally. The latest report of Civicus points to a third of the world’s population living in countries with closed civic space. This is closely linked to press freedom as it comprises the space for independent media to operate in, without reprisal. 

The rapid digital transformation and rise of artificial intelligence widen the gap between those who can access credible, independent information and those who cannot, reinforcing existing socio-economic inequalities.The World Bank estimates that one-third of the global population remains offline, with significant disparities by geography, income, and gender.

All these factors create growing barriers for citizens to access unbiased information and for the media to act as watchdogs of society, which harms democracies as a result. 

Our objective

Our objective is to establish a diverse and resilient information ecosystem where independent media thrive, disinformation is countered effectively, and press freedom is protected. To achieve this, Free Press Unlimited focuses on three areas: safeguarding independent media, combating polarisation and disinformation, and promoting media freedom. Overarching is our approach to work with local partners with vital contextual knowledge, and our commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion. 

Safeguarding independent media

We support independent media in repressive regimes, conflict zones, and challenging environments to ensure reliable information reaches citizens, particularly marginalized groups such as women, ethnic minorities, and LGBTQ+ communities. Through direct support to local media—whether in-country or in exile—and helping startups overcome censorship, we create opportunities for independent voices to flourish.

One example is our years-long work in Syria, through our peace building programme, where we have supported media organisations to provide reliable information to citizens despite the ongoing war. By fostering collaboration between media outlets, civil society organisations, and innovators, we strengthen the capacity to produce and distribute trustworthy information, incorporating local contexts and diverse leadership.

Demonstration in support of press freedom
Demonstration in support of press freedom.


Combating polarisation and disinformation

Disinformation is one of the biggest threats to press freedom and democracy. Social media platforms amplify false narratives, polarising societies and weakening trust in journalism. Globally, only 40% of people trust the news, according to the Reuters Institute. Especially during elections and in conflicts, disinformation runs wide and can have devastating effects. 

Instead of focusing solely on combating false information, we work to ensure citizens have access to high-quality, fact-based journalism. We engage local media, policymakers, and civil society to create a more robust information ecosystem that can identify, expose, and neutralise disinformation. We train journalists in investigative techniques to counter disinformation, and we pay special attention to disinformation that targets or disproportionately affects marginalised communities. Together with partners and experts we also explore innovative tools and approaches, including the potential of upcoming technologies such as AI, to combat disinformation.

Promoting media freedom

Advocacy is crucial for creating legal and policy frameworks that protect press freedom and enable independent media to operate freely. To maintain access to independent information, we advocate for press freedom worldwide, but especially in repressive environments. We build coalitions of local media, civil society organisations, and international partners to drive change in policies and ensure diverse voices are represented. There is a strong focus on local leadership. 

Through these efforts, we safeguard press freedom and empower citizens to engage in public discourse, hold power accountable, and strengthen democratic values.

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