Journalists in Rafah, Gaza

Major donations and tax-free donating

Do you stand for press freedom? Consider making your structural donation to Free Press Unlimited tax-free, or making a major donation in the form of a private fund. 

Donate tax-free

With your structural donation to Free Press Unlimited for five years or more you will substantially help with the work of Free Press Unlimited and you can fully deduct your donation from the tax, when you are paying taxes in the Netherlands. A tax-free donation may sound complicated, but it is very easy. You can make your fixed donation to Free Press Unlimited quickly and fully deductible by committing an amount for five years or longer. Thanks to the relaxed rules for tax-free donations to charities, there is no longer a notarial deed to be drawn up. That saves Free Press Unlimited money and you get part of your donation back.

If your want to donate tax-free, you should know this: 

  • The amount you get back from the tax authorities depends not only on your income but also on your age. Look here to calculate the benefit you will receive by turning your donation into a tax-free gift. You can use the tax benefit to increase your support for Free Press Unlimited.
  • Regular donations are also tax deductible, but they are subject to a threshold and a maximum. Read more about these conditions here.

You can arrange your structural donation easily:

  • By completing and signing this donation form in duplicate.
  • By returning the forms to: Free Press Unlimited, Antwoordnummer 46649 1060 VE Amsterdam (a stamp is not required).
  • You will receive a copy signed by us within 2 weeks, which you can keep for your annual tax return.

Would you like to receive the forms by post or do you have any questions? Please contact Janine van Doorn: 

E-mail: jvandoorn[at]
Telefoon: +31 20 8000 413 | +31 6 821 280 36 

Major Donations

With large donations, we can do a lot of work in a short time to ensure more access to reliable information and independent news all over the world. Major donations make a big difference for Free Press Unlimited; they allow us to have a very direct impact.

A few examples from our daily work:

  • To flee a dangerous country and get to safety, a journalist needs an average of €1,500. However, this is usually not enough if family members have to flee with them.
  • To file a lawsuit, a journalist needs even more money. Lawsuits can take years and the costs can exceed €10,000.
  • In the fight against impunity, a cold-case investigation of a murdered journalist requires €50,000. Besides justice for their families, this sends a powerful message to perpetrators: a murder of a journalist will no longer go unpunished.

You can find more examples of our work in our annual report.

A Named Fund

Would you like to support press freedom for a longer period and substantially, and would you like to support a specific field of activity of Free Press Unlimited? If so, we offer you the opportunity to set up a Named Fund. This can be done during your lifetime or after your death through your will. You deposit the desired amount in a fund whose name you choose. If you do so by means of a periodic donation, your donations are fully deductible. The Named Fund is not a separate legal entity, but it is a separate and visible part of Free Press Unlimited. Donations through your fund are mentioned in the annual report, the annual accounts and on our website.

Do you have questions about donating to Free Press Unlimited, or would you like to discuss the possibilities of structural donations? Please contact Janine van Doorn:

Email: jvandoorn[at]
Telephone: +31 20 8000 413 | +31 6 821 280 36 

IBAN: NL92 INGB 000 000 7676
RSIN number: 850683476

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