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We need your help. There are many ways how you can show us your support, so we can stand up for press freedom together.
Journalist in Georgia

Become our friend

As a friend of Free Press Unlimited you are providing a direct contribution towards the support of journalists in need and improving access to information.
Journalists in Gaza

Support us with a tax-free donation

Consider making your structural donation to Free Press Unlimited tax-free.
Demonstration for press freedom

Major donations & legacy giving

We can do a lot of work in a short time with major donations. And If you want your ideals to live on you can leave Free Press Unlimited in your will.
Event FPU

Organise your own support activity

Do you want to draw attention to the importance of press freedom in a special way and at the same time raise money for Free Press Unlimited? That's great! We have listed a number of options for you.
Man reading newspaper

Become a corporate sponsor

Would you like to sponsor a good cause with your colleagues? Or are you looking for a meaningful interpretation of your company's CSR policy? As a company, you can contribute to emergency aid to journalists, support for independent media under pressure or research into cold-cases of murdered journalists.
The Erased

Join our campaigns

With our global campaigns we try to increase people's awareness about the importance of press freedom.

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