A journalist covers the damage and destruction to Palestinian houses

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Freke and Jaap leave part of their legacy to Free Press Unlimited

The Dutch Freke van de Woord-van der Heijden (former alderman and councillor) and Jaap van de Woord (former HR manager and HR advisor) have included Free Press Unlimited in their wills. They explain why.

Freke van de Woord-van der Heijden (oud-wethouder en -gemeenteraadslid) en Jaap van de Woord (oud-HR-manager en -OR-adviseur) uit Twente hebben Free Press Unlimited opgenomen in hun testament.

Freke: ‘We are upset that violence against journalists has now become part of the war effort. The murder of the IKON journalists in 1982 and that of Maltese investigative journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia impacted us a lot, but now, unfortunately, we read this kind of news regularly in the newspapers.’

Jaap: ‘From the socialist ideology that has been woven into our lives for 60 years, we believe that a fair distribution of money is important. It made sense to think of not only our children when arranging our legacy, but also Free Press Unlimited and two other charities.’

Jaap and Freke believe that access to accurate information is a starting point for peace. That is why Free Press Unlimited has been given a place in their will and part of what they bequeath will benefit the protection of journalists and access to reliable news.

Image credit
Yousef Mohammed/IMAGESLIVE via ZUMA Press Wire

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