Paul Enkelaar

Together for reliable information in Africa

Access to independent information

Free Press Unlimited, ARTICLE19, Reporters Without Borders, Fondation Hirondelle, Deutsche Welle and International Media Support in collaboration with UNESCO, joined forces in a project to provide rapid response to the impact of the Covid-19 crisis on access to reliable information in Africa. Since the start of the pandemic, the harassment experienced by journalists in the Sub-Saharan countries has risen. This is seen in the arrests and detention of journalists, and government misuse of legislation to silence journalists and limit their freedom of expression and transparency.

Reportedly, by restricting the free movement and operation of journalists, the governments of Zimbabwe and Nigeria are withholding up to date, relevant, and independent information on Covid-19 from the public. Other countries suffer from poor information infrastructures where, despite good intentions, news from independent media, or even information from the government, does not reach high risk groups. This is true for Sudan, Ethiopia and Burkina Faso, where remote areas and conflict zones are deprived of information on prevention and of advice on health.

Independent journalism is crucial

One of the key lessons learned during the recent Ebola epidemic was the crucial role of reliable, timely and independent information, and how important it is to safeguard media freedom in times of crisis. The project’s statement is therefore that, now more than ever, independent journalism, citizen reporting, open public discourse, and the free flow of information are crucial.

Covid-19 Response in Africa: together for reliable information, is a European Union-funded project that aims to help media outlets across 17 countries within Sub-Saharan Africa to survive the Covid-19 crisis.

Leon Willems, director of Free Press Unlimited: “‘Together for reliable information’ shows our determination to stand in solidarity. We work jointly and decisively to combat the lack of information, and support the media that serve the forgotten, the downtrodden and the unconnected.”

By joining forces in these challenging times, we are able to respond swiftly to the needs on the ground in a select number of countries, to provide the groups most at risk with independent and reliable information about Covid-19. In addition, independent media and journalists in Sub-Saharan Africa are supported with essential materials and resources for the purpose of capacity building.

Protect the right to freedom of expression and information

The consortium, led by Free Press Unlimited, is implementing this project as of 1 August 2020, the overall objective being to contribute to a better informed public and raise their awareness about how to protect themselves against Covid-19, and so limit the number of casualties.

A number of independent media outlets in Sub-Saharan countries are being encumbered by the pandemic. The project will support these media outlets so they can adapt and survive the crisis caused by Covid-19, and at the same time, protect freedom of expression and information during the crisis, by means of effective lobby and advocacy efforts.

Project's outcomes

As for 31 January, the project has come to a close. To evaluate its impact, an evaluation was carried out by an external party: OECD/DAC. We are very happy to say that the evaluation showed that this ambitious and complex project was a success, calling it ‘timely, relevant, and efficient’. The project efficiently addressed challenges posed by the pandemic, like the spread of misinformation with the creation of fact-checking workshops, and keeping journalists safe with the distribution of protection materials to media workers in target countries.

Read more about the evaluation here.

Another outcome of the project was a publications of Cartooning for Peace. Cartooning for Peace took part in the programme in order to support and recall the essential role of the continent’s press cartoonists. This publication, in collaboration with Reporters Without Borders, allows us to look back, through cartoons, at all these major issues for press freedom. Click below to find out what that looks like.

The COVID-19 project in cartoons.








Photo in header: Paul Enkelaar.

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