New platform for collaboration between European journalism networks

Network gathering
Irina Raiu

Journalism networks and media focused on collaborative or cross-border journalism can now join the Directory of European Journalism Networks (, a searchable database of journalism networks, hubs and groups from Europe, connecting reporters to each other, to work on stories together, share local or subject expertise, find grant-partners or offer support.

Are you looking for a partner to apply for grants together? Do you need or offer specialised training and are looking for colleagues to connect with? Do you have a question about a particular subject or are you searching for a trustworthy partner to help you untangle complex data? Are you a freelance journalist looking for a community of freelancers in your area? Or a student journalist who could use guidance from a group of journalists with more experience in their specialism? Then the directory will help guide you in all these cases, and more.

Call for networks to join

The directory is built by Free Press Unlimited as part of the European Excellence Exchange in Journalism (E3J) Project and designed as a resource for journalists who will be able to search for partner networks based on key filters including subject specialisms, geographical focus, and key skills (both editorial and operational). It will be completed with network profiles and collaborative journalism case studies that aim to inspire and showcase the realities of the work. The Directory is built with feedback from journalists and partner networks of Free Press Unlimited to ensure it will be a relevant site to support the realities of modern journalism.

The full resource will be launched in early 2024, and in the meantime Free Press Unlimited is inviting journalists who are part of European networks to add their group to the Directory by using this page.

Add your network

Ruth Kronenburg
“When journalists work together, publications only get better,” says Ruth Kronenburg, Executive Director, Free Press Unlimited. “This Directory aims to help journalists from different backgrounds and expertise to find each other and collaborate. This expands their knowledge and scope of their work, and with that also their impact. I hope many journalists will find and make use of this Directory, so their stories find their way to the public and keep them informed with trusted information.”

Who can join the directory

Established players or newcomers, big or small groups, we welcome everyone working collaboratively to reinforce journalism’s societal impact:

  • Networks focused on supporting a specific skill, knowledge in a subject or operational practices (e.g. data journalism, science reporting, or building membership in organisations).
  • Media outlets that actively work with partners to share stories from one region to other European countries and help information reach neighbouring countries.
  • Regional or local networks of journalists.

Networks do not need to be legally registered but they should have a public profile online that others can use to find them (a website, a public social media page or group, or a contact person who acts as the network’s facilitator).

Networks should be independent with no affiliation to a political party, and observe standards of accuracy, fairness and transparency in their journalism.

Networks featured in the Directory should be based in one of the member countries of the Council of Europe or in one of the countries part of the Creative Europe initiative.

Mapping collaborative journalism networks

The open invitation for networks to join the Directory will be doubled up by a mapping effort from the E3J team to collect publicly available information about collaborative journalism networks in Europe and bring it all in one place, to make the Directory as comprehensive and useful as possible.

This index, combined with the editorial case studies focused on examples of best practices and lessons learned by key active networks in Europe, will be a useful resource for all wishing to learn more about what it means to work collaboratively in the current journalism environment.

If you know a network who should be featured in this directory, you can suggest it to us at

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