Crisis meeting to support the media in Ukraine


Free Press Unlimited is organizing a crisis meeting on Friday 4th March at 4pm to talk to journalists, media experts, involved organizations and funds about providing aid to independent media groups in Ukraine. A minimum of 2 million euros is needed to keep reliable information available in Ukraine and neighboring countries. This support will be brought together in a coalition: the Media Lifeline for Ukraine.

Despite the ongoing and escalating violence, hundreds of independent journalists continue to risk their lives in order to inform the public. Their reporting is essential. Without them, the public has no way of finding out where the danger zones are: where it is or is indeed not safe to go. In the meantime, without these journalists, people from around the world cannot be sure about how the war is actually unfolding. Without these journalists, everything goes quiet: as the war continues to unfold.

Free Press Unlimited Director Ruth Kronenburg: “Free Press Unlimited stands up for the people who defend the right of Ukrainians - and the citizens of neighboring countries - to reliable, factual and timely information about the war. These are the independent journalists and media that have been pressured for so long by what in many ways is also an information war being waged from within the Kremlin. It is essential to work together with independent journalists to keep reliable information available. This requires funds, in addition to all the material and technical assistance that is requested by our partners.”

During this crisis meeting, discussions will be held with journalists in and around Ukraine to explain why it is so important to provide long-term support for independent media in Ukraine and in neighboring countries, and why a minimum of 2 million euros is needed to keep the flow of reliable information in the region going.

Information from the front line

On Friday, Free Press Unlimited director Ruth Kronenburg will speak with Ukrainian journalist Maksym Erestavi, among others, about the current situation in Ukraine from a media perspective. She will also discuss with Derk Sauer the current state of journalism and the flow of reliable information in Russia. In addition, Maryia Sadouskaya-Komlach, Media Development Expert Eastern Europe, will discuss the situation in Belarus and how to maintain independent reporting in the region.

Longer term support is needed to keep the reliable flow of information alive, even in a potentially occupied Ukraine. This support will be brought together in a coalition established by Free Press Unlimited: the Media Lifeline for Ukraine.

The meeting will be streamed live via the Free Press Unlimited Facebook page. The entire event will be in English.


This meeting is held in collaboration with 'Raam op Rusland', and is made possible in part by the National Postcode Lottery.

Do you want to support? Donate to Free Press Unlimited, all contributions go to Ukraine.

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Ukraine war, 
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