Dutch crime journalist Peter R de Vries passed away after shooting

Crime reporter Peter R de Vries

We are deeply saddened about the news that crime journalist Peter R de Vries passed away today in a hospital in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. We express our sincere condolences to his family and loved ones.

Free Press Unlimited condemns the murder and perceives it as an attack on the Rule of Law and against journalists who are relentlessly seeking the truth.

This horrible event confirms a global trend, that journalists who work to shed light on abuses through their investigations - and in doing so call perpetrators to justice - are increasingly becoming victims of targeted violence. Especially in connection to corruption, drugs- and financial crime.

We have grave concerns about the increasing violence against journalists worldwide. We hope and anticipate that the investigation into this murder will lead to the conviction of the perpetrators and those who ordered the killing.

Journalism is a fundamental part of an open and critical society in which questions can be asked and answers can be sought, without fear.

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