Free Press Live 2024 draws attention to media in crisis

Safety of journalists

Join us on 21 October, 3.00-6.00PM in The Hague for Free Press Live 2024! This year the theme of Free Press Live is Media in crisis. Support for journalists in crisis is vital, as access to reliable information can save lives.

Whenever a crisis happens, the media play a vital role to maintain access to information, but at the same time they become a clearer target. Sadly, we see an influx in crises evolving and re-merging. Crises induced by conflict, like the Russian invasion in Ukraine and Israel’s attack in Gaza, the latter being the deadliest conflict for journalists ever documented, but also by protests against power holders in for example Venezuela and Bangladesh. Then there are the long-running conflicts that seem to become forgotten and remain largely unseen to the public eye; like Sudan, Yemen and Congo. 

Information as a weapon

In all conflicts we clearly see that information is used as a weapon, and those that seek information are seen as a threat. Journalists are therefore under enormous pressure. We now live in a world where the word ‘Press’ on a helmet and a bullet-proof vest no longer protects a person, but makes them a target instead.

Journalists in a crisis need all the support they can get. Therefore we will draw attention to their role and their needs in such difficult times during Free Press Live 2024. For their well-being, and for the well-being of the public. Because access to reliable information can save lives, especially in crisis situations.

Safety of journalists
Join us for Free Press Live 2024
Media in crisis

An increase in emergency response

Due to the rise in the number of crises, emergency support has become increasingly important; it now constitutes almost half of Free Press Unlimited’s work.

Our safety team provided support to hundreds of journalists in distress with for example psycho-social support, relocation and replacement of equipment. So far in 2024, we have supported over 1800 journalists in distress to help them continue their work during a crisis. It has already surpassed the total number of journalists supported in 2023, and we only foresee this increasing in the future. 

The event

During Free Press Live, in in-depth panel discussions with journalists and other experts, we will discuss the impact on, and role of, media during a crisis, and how best to respond and support it. We address the role of disinformation, how some conflicts are ‘forgotten’ and highlight stories of resilience and success of our partners in restoring and maintaining access to information during a crisis.

The event will be concluded with the presentation of our Free Press Awards. With the Free Press Awards Free Press Unlimited recognises journalists and media professionals who have shown a strong commitment to the cause of press freedom and the provision of independent information. We will honour journalists and media professionals who continue to do their work, no matter the circumstances. One journalist will be awarded with the Newcomer of the Year Award, which comes with a scholarship, and one journalist wins the Most Resilient Journalist Award, and receives a cash prize. 

More information on the programme will be revealed soon on our website and socials. So stay tuned! For now, save your seat by registering below.

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