Journalist in crisis

Free Press Live

Nieuwspoort, Bezuidenhoutseweg 67, The Hague

Join us on 21 October in The Hague for Free Press Live 2024! This year the theme of Free Press Live is Media: a lifeline in times of conflict. Support for journalists amidst conflict is vital, as access to reliable information forms a lifeline for millions. It can save lives.

In conflict situations, the media play a critical role to maintain access to information. At the same time they become a clearer target. They need our support. Therefore we want to draw attention to their role and their needs in times of conflict. For their well-being, and for the well-being of the public. Because access to reliable information in conflict situations can save lives. 

During Free Press Live 2024, through in-depth panel discussions with journalists and other experts, we will discuss the impact on and role of media during a conflict, and how best to respond and support them. We address how some conflicts are ‘forgotten’ and highlight stories of resilience and success of our partners in restoring and maintaining access to information in times of conflict. 

Save your seat!

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15.00 Walk in
15.30 Opening by Ruth Kronenburg, Executive Director Free Press Unlimited.

  • Keynote speech by Palestinian journalist, poet and columnist Rajaa Natour.
  • Panel 1: News coverage in conflict situations: a media lifeline for millions
    With a.o. Ekatarina Kotrikadze, News director of the exiled Russian news platform TV Rain - Rashid Saeed, former Undersecretary of the Ministry of Culture and Information in Sudan, now working for exiled Sudanese news platform Dabanga -  Nataliya Gumenyuk, a Ukrainian journalist and author specialised in conflict reporting.
  • Panel 2: How to secure the media lifeline in Palestine and Lebanon? 
    With Muamar Orabi, Director of Wattan Media Network operating from Ramallah, Palestine - Ayman Mhanna, Executive Director of the Beirut-based Samir Kassir Foundation (joins through a live connection) - Evelien Wijkstra, Director of Policy & Advocacy at Free Press Unlimited.
  • Presentation of winners Free Press Awards 
    We announce the winners of the Newcomer of the Year and the Most Resilient Journalist Award. Learn about the nominees here.

17.45 Drinks & bites in the foyer of Nieuwspoort. 

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