Statement regarding the recent arrest in Morocco of Maati Monjib

Justice and Safety

Free Press Unlimited is deeply concerned by the recent arrest and continued detention of the Moroccan academic and journalist Maati Monjib. We strongly believe he should not be on trial. Journalism is not a crime. 

Free Press Unlimited was active in Morocco from 2006 until 2015. Our goal was to support the development of a professional media environment, through projects aimed at strengthening independent media and supporting investigative, quality reporting in Morocco. Maati Monjib was a highly respected partner of ours at the time. For a full description of our activities and our statement on the prosecution of our partners please see our statement of 2016 here

Maati Monjib should be acquitted of all charges. For more information on the current case and the international effort to get Maati released also see here.

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