These are the Gender Equality Champions of 2020!
Gender Equality Champions are a part of Free Press Unlimited’s Media4Women campaign. The Champions are those who are already working towards an equal representation of women by the media.
There are a lot of good initiatives when it comes to achieving gender equality in and throughout the media. The Gender Equality Champions highlight the positive change and results that are already happening. They show us that everyone can have an impact and contribute to change. Read their stories and get inspired to follow in their footsteps.
Seven Gender Equality Champions
This year we interviewed seven Gender Equality Champions, from all over the world. During the campaign we publish their interviews and video messages. They are representing different fields, from researchers, to photographers, to politicians.
Campaign for gender equality
Media4Women (M4W) is a campaign by Free Press Unlimited and its partners. From March 1st till March 15th, (media)organisations and individuals all over the world highlight the importance of gender equality in and through the media. This year the campaign focuses on challenging gender stereotypes in the media.