Opinion pieces

We often have a critical and keen eye on current developments concerning the media, press freedom and independent journalism. You can read our opinion pieces on this page.

Monopoly of journalism is a disastrous feat for pluralism

The survival of independent journalism requires public investment, writes Leon Willems. The Dutch TV broadcasters Talpa and RTL recently announced a merger. With all the ifs and buts about the intentions of the main commercial media companies in our country, one element has invariably been omitted...

Preventing the Death of Independent Journalism

From physical attacks to economic strain to COVID-19 restrictions, independent journalists are struggling to do their jobs. Given their vital role in enabling informed debate and promoting political accountability, governments must take urgent action to protect them.

Democracy is sounding the alarm bells

This week the American institute, Freedom House, is releasing a report that sounds the alarm bells for democracy. The Corona crisis has seen the global decline of democracy in more than 80 countries. But this is not new. The democratic decline is in addition to the fact that for 14 consecutive years...

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